Our Story

Welcome to the International Indie Dogs Organisation (IIDO)! We are a passionate group of animal lovers dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming indie dogs. Our mission is to save the world, one wag at a time, by giving these resilient and loveable dogs the second chance they deserve.

How It All Began

The story of IIDO began with a simple but powerful realization: indie dogs, often overlooked in favor of purebred dogs, are just as deserving of love, care, and a forever home. Our founder witnessed firsthand the plight of indie dogs while volunteering at various animal shelters. Inspired by their resilience and unique charm, they decided to take action.IIDO was born from a desire to make a difference. Starting as a small, grassroots effort, we have grown into an international organization dedicated to advocating for indie dogs and promoting their adoption. Our journey has been fueled by the tireless efforts of our volunteers, the generosity of our supporters, and the unwavering spirit of the dogs we rescue.

Our Goal

At IIDO, our mission is simple yet profound: to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome indie dogs, providing them with the love, care, and second chances they deserve. We believe that every dog, regardless of breed or background, has the right to a happy and healthy life. Through education, advocacy, and community engagement, we strive to change perceptions about indie dogs and promote their adoption.

What We Do?

Our Impact

Since our inception, IIDO has rescued and rehomed countless indie dogs, transforming their lives and the lives of the families who adopt them. Our success stories are a testament to the power of compassion and the incredible resilience of these wonderful dogs.